Hi everyone,
Happy New Year!!! Here in NYC, when midnight struck the street outside our building was alive with whoops, cheers, sirens, and a foghorn that usually only makes itself known during the daily 7PM #clapbecausewecare. The energy was uplifting and hopeful. Cheers to what will hopefully prove to be a healthy, safe, and fulfilling 2021 for all.
The poem I’m sharing with you today is one that I rediscovered when working on a poetry manuscript this week. It was written a few years ago, but in the context of the pandemic, I saw it in a totally different light. Unfortunately, it’s now probably a more realistic and common story than it would have been when I first made it up and there were no supply chain issues.
And finally, to end on an uplifting note, at the bottom I’ve enclosed a video of Michael Gallant performing “God Bless America” as a way to greet the new year.
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she’s a thief.
she’s stealing toilet paper
bringing it home
packing her closet
with reserves,
an entire forest
felled to fill
one studio apartment,
a tiny, claustrophobic oasis
from the bathrooms
she’s been hired to clean.
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